Announcing BlueSCSI v2! (again!)

Today we’re happy to announce BlueSCSI v2 (again!). Today we are changing the license on our hardware designs from Creative-Commons-NonCommercial-ShareAlike to CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - Strongly Reciprocal [1]. The OHL-S license is a fully free and open source hardware license to match our fully free and open source GPLv3 firmware license. BlueSCSI joins the small but growing number of fully opensource SCSI projects.

Why the change? First you must understand why the non-commercial license was initially chosen. When we first released BlueSCSI v1 we had an (unnamed) commercial entity trying to take and sell BlueSCSI v1 - so we chose a license that would prevent that while allowing users to build small batches for themselves and friends. This worked exceedingly well and allowed BlueSCSI to grow in a more controlled, niche area while keeping commercial interests out. Since it worked so well for v1, we kept it for v2.

But now BlueSCSI has grown much beyond its initial niche success of a Macintosh SCSI emulator - it is used in many different systems from music samplers, to UNIX workstations, to DOS computers (and of course still Macintosh).

Goals for switching to an open source license:


Q: Are these designs different from what “authorized” BlueSCSI sellers sell?
A: The only difference is the BlueSCSI logo silk screen which you may not use on the OHL-S version, otherwise they are the same!

Q: I’m just an average user - what does this mean for me?
A: Nothing! Just keep enjoying BlueSCSI.

Q: What if I make |insert name|SCSI and just rename the board and sell it?!
A: As long as the copyright, license, and terms of the license are followed, go for it! If you add some cool features I’ll probably make one myself!

Q: Do I need to ask you before selling these or making modifications?
A: No!

Discussion thread:

Published: 9/9/2024

[1] Re-License BlueSCSI Hardware CERN OHL-S #186

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