BlueSCSI Toolbox is a set of utilities that interact with a BlueSCSI. It requires BlueSCSI firmware v2023.10.12 or later.
You can download the BlueSCSI toolbox from
This utility allows you to transfer files to and from your SD card to and from your Mac.
folder of your SD card. You can try this with files downloaded from such sites as macintoshgarden.orgFile -> Upload
This utility allows you eject and insert another CD. Place up to 100 images in a folder called CD3
(where 3 is the SCSI ID you wish to use) on the root of your SD card. When clicking “Switch” it will eject the old CD and mount the new one.
Allows you to quickly configure the WiFi interface from the Mac OS when using a Pico-W board and DaynaPORT SCSI/Link emulation. Works under System 6 or 7.
Supports CD changer, and SD file transfer.
via @paulroberthill
Amiga can also use BlueSCSI’s WiFi feature - it is actively being worked on and you can grab the latest beta from
via @RobSmithDev
BlueSCSI Wi-Fi DA: a Wi-Fi status and control Desk Accessory for BlueSCSI (Atari ST version) Written by Thorsten Otto
Requires BlueSCSI firmware v2024.05.21 or newer. Supports CD changer, and SD file transfer.
The Adaptec EZ-SCSI 4.01 drivers work best providing full ASPI layer compatibility.
NOTE: If using EZ-SCSI 5.0 or newer (for Ultra 2 or Ultra 3 cards especially), you must install Windows 3.1/3.11, the 386 Enhanced drivers, start Windows, and launch an MS-DOS prompt to use the toolbox utility. Later versions of the Adaptec drivers lack the full ASPI compatibility required.
A pre-installed and configured DOS SCSI image is available from our Bluescsi Images page.
via @nielsmh
The pre-installed and configured DOS SCSI image available from our Bluescsi Images page already has Windows 3.11 installed and compatible drives for most of Adaptec’s SCSI card range. If setting up Windows 3.1/3.11 yourself, installing the 386 Enhanced 32-bit drivers included with EZ-SCSI 4.0 or newer is recommended.
For Windows 95, NT 4.0 or newer, the native drivers work without any additional requirements.
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Generated 2025-03-17